Publications, articles

Mining - An archive concerning mining with no specific focus on pyrotechnics.

Laws and policies- A section pertaining information about local and international law, their effects, usage, and problems.

Explosives- A section dedicated to various explosives and tools used in civilian projects.

Electric initiator systems - A section dedicated to various civilian electric detonators along with related articles and manuals.

Non-electric detonation systems- A section dedicated to various non-military, non-electric detonator along with related articles and manuals.

Explosion Technology - Industrial Explosion Technology is a diverse field of study. In this section we collected those technologies, methods, processes and experiences that were contributed by colleagues willing to share such.

Pyrotechnics - Pyrotechnics isn't a part of blasting activities, but is closely related to it. This section contains information and articles concerning pyrotechnics.

Safety - During non-military activities one must obey strict laws and  regulations. This section contains articles about materials, structures and equipment used in fulfilling these requirements and about professional experience in handling them.

Protection and defense of property -  It is exceptionally important to minimise unwanted damage while working with explosives. Every explosion is different, though one can learn from past mistakes and solutions. This section contains useful articles and insight concerning the topic. 

Inspections - Any material with explosive capabilities marketed within the EU must have a CE mark. This mark can only be issued if the commodity fulfils the requirements of the 93/15 EGK directive. Before the equipment or material can enter the market, it must be verified in a conformity check which also includes the inspection of the explosives according to the regulations. This archive contains articles and information about these inspections.

Miscellaneous - Every article, essay, insight or writing that cannot be sorted into the previous categories.


Publications, articles

Published in Engineer Military Bulletin No. 1/2021

. évfolyam (2021) 1. szám

Ground vibration and over blast were studied by the Department of Mining & Materials Engineering, Prince of Songkla University, Songkhla, Thailand. The study shows proper use of a stemming plug reduces ground vibration from 37.4% to 63.2%, reducing neighbor concerns and complaints. As blast vibration is a concern, you may wish to read their study.